Fruity summer couscous salad

Fruchtiger Sommer Couscous

200 g couscous
300 ml vegetable broth
50 g walnuts
10 dried apricots
60 g dried goji berries
10 dates
10 cocktail tomatoes
2 yellow peppers
1 bunch fresh coriander
15 g flower mix
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons sugar
50 ml lemon juice
100 ml olive oil
Tomato salt


Soak the goji berries in water. Pour 200g of couscous with 300ml of hot broth until the liquid is absorbed. Caramelize walnuts with butter, a sip of water and sugar and let cool on baking paper. Mix the chopped apricots, dates, cocktail tomatoes and peppers with the cooled couscous. Add drained goji berries. For the dressing, mix olive oil, lemon juice, a pinch of sugar, chopped fresh cilantro and flower mix. Season to taste with tomato salt and pepper. Fold the dressing into the couscous. Garnish with walnuts and a few flowers.

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